
Top 20 Things I Love About Our New Home...Catch-up!

Sorry, it's been busy around here...it's not like we're moving in 6 days or anything.


Is it beautiful? No. But I'm just glad I don't have to do it. I can't wait to get some color in there!

There are 2 trees that didn't fit in this picture.

#8...Side door in the garage!

This will make is so easy to take out the trash, store lawn equipment, etc. I had to be talked into this, but we'll have a security system set up, so no biggie.

#7...Our Stone!

This was a pricy upgrade, but I just love it. I've always wanted stone.

#6...the commute!

Well, I think I'm going to like the commute.  The house is literally 10 minutes from where we live now, but it's a totally different way to get to work.  It's also much closer to other places we frequent.  I have to change grocery stores- no more Harris Teeter (too far) :( and the downside is that the closest grocery store is over a drawbridge that goes up frequently. BUT, I love that grocery store, so I just have to plan my trips around the bridge schedule.

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