
That's a wrap! (How many bloggers have used that title??)

All wrapped..except for that one spot.
Took this Monday night! They were just finishing the roof when we got there. We also saw the framing cut out for the garage service door and small first floor full bath window. Hopefully I'll get to go by soon to see if all windows are in.

I got a call this morning from Structured Cable confirming where we want the placement for our outdoor speakers. He said they'd be done with all cable lines today, so I guess we're in the "Mechanicals" stage. I'm hoping to have our pre-drywall meeting next week or the week after. We will be in Florida the first full week of September, on what may possibly be our last vacation for a lonnnng time! :) Sad I'll be missing all the house hoopla for a week, but I've commissioned my dad to be my photographer. I'm excited to see what the next few days brings.

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