
family pictures and changes already

We got an e-mail that Ryan is no longer using the flooring company that I had just made an appointment with. I was able to set up an appointment with the new flooring company for Monday evening (an hour away. boo).  I'm finding that it has been extrememly hard to schedule these meetings (mortage, flooring, cable).  I can take time off work to go, but I'm trying to save for our actual move. Lesson learned: Don't sign the contract right before the busiest 2 weeks in a long time. This week, I had conference calls with Asia and Europe (yes, I'm that important..not really), so I worked some abnormal overtime. Next week, my little sister graduates from high school and I had planned a "stay-cation" so I can chill with the fam. STRESS TIMES A THOUSAND.

We did get a chance to go to the lot on Wednesday, though...

So here's our submission to Awkward Family Photos... I look like a total nerd. Aaron looks mad at the world. Simon obviously has ADD. My phone in my back pocket is giving me a weird shape. Story of our lives, I guess.

Here's a shot of the model home from our lot:

Simon really enjoyed himself...We probably weren't supposed to do this. But hey, we own $1,000 worth of this lot, right?

We also will have this lovely view from our front porch. On the plus side, we have awesome AT&T LTE/4G service.  On the downside, we may die of cancer. At least we will die on a nice porch. In all seriousness, it's not even in our neighborhood. I'm hoping that a 2-story home will be built on the lot in front of us and will block it a little bit. There was a windmill on top, but it blew off in a wind storm last month. I hope it goes back up. This makes me feel like we live in the country.

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