
Pre-Construction Meeting on the Horizon!

UPDATE: First we scheduled the meeting for tomorrow (Monday) at 10 AM... but the PM was already booked at another community. So now we're scheduled for Thursday at 3! We are scheduled to break ground the week of the 22nd. My birthday is that week, so Happy Birthday to me!! :) The only progress I've seen (from the main road) is that a Porta-Potty has been set up on one of the lots. Maybe they're doing all the digging and I just can't see it from the main road.

We received an e-mail Monday night that our pre-construction meeting can be scheduled for next week! We are hoping for Friday afternoon. I hope they can work with us and schedule these meetings for after work (I leave at 2:30) as I only have 1.75 hours of available leave, due to a vacation coming up in a couple of months.  Oops.

What are some questions to ask during the pre-con meeting? Are there questions you wish you had asked? I'm sure I'll be using this long-ish weekend to stalk blogs and get ideas!

This is all very exciting since our SR told us they try to break ground within a week of the pre-con meeting.  The first home in our neighborhood is scheduled to start construction this week. The neighborhood is the halfway point between our current home and my parents' house, so I'm fortunate to be able to drive past the lots once a week or so. I drove by Sunday and there looked to be a lot of activity at the model home, so hopefully we'll get more lots purchased soon! I'd prefer to not live in a construction zone for too long. :) So far, 8 lots have been purchased. The goal is to have 150 homes!  That's going to be a lot of nails in the tires. :)

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